Yellowstone National Park
Study Area

About this folder
The purpose of this project is to study how the forest resources within Yellowtone National Park have changed since the 1988 fire. Attention will be given to sensitive areas both in terms of vegetation and wildlife. The study will focus on the south-eastern corner of the Park. It will begin by looking at the species of vegetation that were present before the fire. To determine the impact of the 1988 fire, data will have to be gathered describing the species that could be found afterwards during diffrent periods of time. Below are brief descriptions of the data sources that are currently available.

  • Vegetation - ArcInfo coverage representing the different types of land cover that could be found within the study area before the 1988 fire.

  • Vegtype - dBASE table defining the different plant species that existed in each type of land cover before the fire.

  • Study_area - shapefile representing the area covered by this project.

  • Dem30 - ArcInfo grid containing elevation data for the study area.

  • Hillshade - IMAGINE image that describes the terrain within the study area. This data set was created from the elevation data in dem30.

  • Tin_study - ArcInfo TIN surface that describes the terrain within the study area. This data set was created from the elevation data in dem30.

  • Yellowstone - personal geodatabase containing feature classes that represent the roads, streams, rivers, and lakes in the park. The feature classes containing water features are grouped into a feature dataset in the geodatabase.

  • Boundary - shapefile representing the area within Yellowstone National Park.

  • Mask - shapefile representing the area outside of the study area. Used in maps to hide geographic data that exists beyond the boundary of the study area.

  • States - ArcInfo coverage representing the 48 conterminous U.S. states.